Please indicated Skilled or Assisted Living or Both, and if necessary, the applicable sub-set (can also be "ALL"): Administrator/ED, Clinical, Ops, Support Staff, Direct Care Giver, etc.
Understand, CAHCF is a non-profit state trade association. Participation in our events provides speakers with impactful engagement with members and event attendees.
Please provide a summary of the seminar’s content. The summary must include a concise description of content which explains the value of the information and identifies new or unique applications, and a description of the learning techniques that will be used to encourage discussion, participation and learning.
A one-paragraph bio indicating speaker’s applicable skills & background should be submitted with your RFP. This will be used in introductions at the sessions as well as in the brochure.
A one-paragraph bio indicating speaker’s applicable skills & background should be submitted with your RFP. This will be used in introductions at the sessions as well as in the brochure.